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to see other original videos, including my popular series on The Rings You Wear as well as two videos on Cleansing and Charging Your Aura.


It's "The Year of the Snake" in the Chinese Zodiac - time to shed bad energy, to embrace renewal and regeneration. And what better time to bring back onto The Maverick Podcast my friend - Feng Shui Master, Artist and Astrologer - Agnes Beleznay to discuss how best to use this period to improve your life. Enjoy!


I've been wanting to do this for so long - get the four members of the awesome band ZOOMST to schedule time for a maverick musical adventure! I love their unique work - musically and lyrically - "exploratory rock-fusion" that tells a fascinating story in their debut album, a Space Rock Opera. I know you'll enjoy, too.


So happy to bring you my wonderful discussion with fellow astrologer and president of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), Jenn Zahrt. She's a true maverick with stimulating ideas and energizing insight into the future course of astrology. Enjoy! Explore the podcast


I'm thrilled and grateful to welcome Jane Lynch to The Maverick Podcast! What a wonderful conversation about astrology, metaphysics and her life. Jane is not only a talented and popular performer, she is also a very giving person who generously shares her thoughts, feelings and experiences. Enjoy!


As the US presidential race heats up, there's a candidate in the running who is both a maverick and a wild card. My friend and noted astrologer Hiroki Niizato joins me for this Maverick Podcast to explore the fascinating planetary energies surrounding Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This is a discussion of astrology, not politics. Objective analysis is our goal. Enjoy!


Once again, my maverick friend Agnes Beleznay joins me for this episode of my podcast. After our first discussion of Feng Shui and how it can be utilized to enhance your life, we got quite a few questions that we answer this time around. Learn more about Agnes at


One of the bigger life changes for many of us is retirement. Whether you work in the corporate world or are self-employed, moving out of a familiar day-to-day routine can be quite exciting... also disruptive and disorienting. My dear friend Dr. Marlene Shiple - psychotherapist, life coach, author - has written a new book that speaks powerfully and practically to this important transition. "Retire Without Regret" - the focus of my new episode of The Maverick Podcast. Enjoy!


I'm so blessed to have many interesting, talented, spiritual friends who make a real difference in people's lives. One of them is my guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast - Agnes Beleznay, Feng Shui Master Practitioner and Astrologer. Enjoy!


Combining astrology and shamanism in her healing practice, my guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast is Agneta Borstein. I hope you'll join us for this fascinating exploration.


I'm so happy to welcome my friend and colleague, noted astrologer Pam Gregory, back to The Maverick Podcast. Learn about the aspects and energies that tell us it's time to activate your spiritual warrior and be ready for the changes - BIG changes!


In "A Journey of Transformation", my Maverick friend Marie shares an awesome and intimate story that will inspire and uplift. Marie faced up to and overcame a serious illness with a rare and exquisite joy that may just change the way you see challenges in your own life.


I'm so happy to welcome Dr. Marlene Shiple, "The Life Coach Dr.", back to The Maverick Podcast. I know you'll find our discussion filled with practical, useful, real-world insight and guidance on creating the life you want.


How do you open your mind, your heart, your path to living the life you want in an abundant - and obedient - Universe? My guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast, Triné Eich-Koehn, joins me for a lively and stimulating discussion. Enjoy!


Widely known and respected as an astrologer, speaker and teacher, Samuel F. Reynolds is my guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed our stimulating conversation - I hope you do, too!


Wouldn't it be wonderful if your children or grandchildren could learn how to be calm, relaxed and happy instead of feeling nervous, anxious or scared? It's certainly possible with the technique taught by my podcast guest - Free Soul founder, instructor and author, Pete A. Sanders, Jr. Learn about his new children's book, "Alice Makes an Amazing Discovery" - a great gift for the young ones in your life!


My friend and colleague, the wise and wonderful Pam Gregory, joins me once again - this time we discuss how best to navigate Neptune Transits and Solar Arcs. Enjoy!


What do your dreams mean? What can they tell you or suggest about your life? And when you apply astrology to dream interpretation, how fascinating is that?! Find out in this episode of The Maverick Podcast with special guest Greg Bogart. Enjoy!


"Growing Pains: Astrology in Adolescence" - that's the title of the fascinating book by author Alex Trenoweth, my guest on this edition of The Maverick Podcast. An astrologer who has spent many years as a classroom teacher, Alex shares her insight and advice for consulting astrologers as well as parents and educators. An awesome discussion!


Many books have been written about one of the most popular and influential bands of all time. But no book before this - The Spiritual Dimension of The Beatles - has so insightfully explored The Fab Four from an astrological perspective. Author and astrologer Eric Meyers is my special guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast. Enjoy!


In my conversation with astrologer Catherine Goshen, we discuss idealism and anxiety - in a positive and productive way. Enjoy!


My delightful friend and colleague Pam Gregory is back to talk about the upcoming Neptune-Jupiter conjunction and its impact, especially for all you mavericks out there. Enjoy!


Intuition - it's a wonderful gift we can all open and use - and it's the focus of this episode of The Maverick Podcast with my guest Victoria Shaw, PhD.


Recognizing and healing past life soul bruises.


How is a maverick inclined to use a Saturn Transit strategically, putting the energy to best advantage? You'll love my discussion about this fascinating topic with astrologer Elisabeth Grace.


I know you'll enjoy hearing from my guest Diotima Mantineia as much as I enjoyed visiting with her for this episode of The Maverick Podcast!


Maverick insight and wisdom from a dear, long-time friend, Dr. Marlene Shiple. As a life coach and counselor, she's the best!


Known to many followers and fans as "The Leo King," David Lawrence Palmer is my guest for this episode of The Maverick Podcast. Give it a listen and learn how much of a maverick David really is...and how the rhythms of life are influenced by his moving to the beat of his own drum.


Do you find yourself on a different path through life? Do you often feel like you're a "tribe of one" or that you've made your own personal declaration of independence? Then you may well be a maverick, like me and my guest in this episode of my podcast, astrologer and columnist Elisabeth Grace. Enjoy!


Meet maverick Diane Samsel - astrologer, artist and animal communicator. Maybe you can identify with her life journey from an upbringing that certainly didn\'t suggest where she is today.

Oct 30, 2021

A couple of Maverick Astrologers - Pam Gregory and I, each of us practicing the craft for more than 40 years - explore how an awareness of synesthesia can contribute to a consultation. "Synes...what?" you ask. Find the answer and the insight in Episode 6 of The Maverick Podcast.

Oct 18, 2021

Another "independent spirit" in the practice of astrology is my guest on this episode of The Maverick Podcast. Frank Clifford has been a creative force in the astrological community for more than 30 years, and I am so happy we get to spend time with him.

July 3, 2021

You've probably heard of vortexes, but do you know where to find and how to use them? Vortex energy can be especially supportive of the Maverick Spirit, as explained by my podcast guest, Pete A. Sanders Jr., Founder of Free Soul.

Aug 11, 2021

Wonderful for everyone - but especially for the Maverick Spirit - is the technique of "blending." My discussion with Free Soul Founder and President, Pete A. Sanders, Jr., reveals how this spiritual skill helps promote harmony and inner peace. Enjoy!

July 15, 2021

I am so happy to welcome my friend and colleague, Pam Gregory, to The Maverick Podcast. Pam and I discuss the maverick personality from an astrological perspective - you may well recognize yourself here, or your "outside the box" outlook on life. And even if you're not into astrology, I truly believe you'll find our conversation compelling. Enjoy!

July 3, 2021

A beautiful aspect of the journey along the maverick path is being able to get your own answers to life's questions directly from the Universe. In the inaugural episode of The Maverick Podcast, I talk with Pete A. Sanders, Jr., Founder and President of Free Soul, a non-profit educational organization for spiritual development and empowerment. Enjoy!

June 11, 2021

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